Day 2

Today was awesome. I didn’t exactly take off early, leaving Ahipara around 745. There were lots of gentle ups and down and pastoral scenery, before a gravel road section. My bike’s good on gravel and my climbing legs were feeling sprightly. It was a nice zoom to the where the vehicle ferry goes across the harbour. I was on my own all morning though did a bit of leapfrogging of Sam and his riding companion.

After Rawene, where there was a nice spontaneous regroup at the public toilet, I headed off alone but quite soon started riding with Josh, for the rest of the day our paces were pretty well matched and it was good to have someone to chat with up the (now big!) hills. We climbed 300m up into the kauri forest

Eventually after a few stops (and an emergency gel) we were at Tane Manuta. I loved the kauri forest but it was sad to see dead and dying trees every now and then – the creeping tragedy of dieback.

Then there was a mindblowing downhill, weaving through the forest. And we arrived at Waipoua forest camp, where the lovely (and enterprising) owner is catering dinners and breakfasts for TAers. Lasagne and salad and ice cream!

And I’ll be there for the 530 breakfast tomorrow – going to try and make the 4pm boat, if it’s running. This morning I’d entertained the idea of going past Waipoua today to make tomorrow easier, but by the time I got here at 530 that had ceased to be an option! Will have to post this in the morning – the cafe has coverage but the campsite doesn’t.