One week to go!

Time is fast sliding away and my intentions to write more blog content have gone by the wayside. In the past week I’ve done a number of highly unrecommended things, including changing my cleat position and seat height. I’ve spent some hours trying to get rid of the noise in my rear cassette and probably made it worse. I’ve woken up in the middle of the night with the whiring sound of a bike chain in my ears.

On the good news front, my foot, which has been giving my grief since a tough training trip at Anniversary Weekend, has perked up. The combination of moving the cleat and stretching my plantar fascia seems to be keeping the burning pain under the ball at bay.

I’ve packed up my Surly and now I just need to get through the to-do list and make it to the start line! It’s a weird thing after a year of organising, tweaking and training to be so close to the start line.

To me, the most worthwhile challenges are the ones where you’re not sure you’ll succeed. That’s TA.

One thought on “One week to go!”

  1. Sounds like it was a good idea to make some adjustments to the set up. At least now you know how to do it if you need to change it during the cycle!

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